School Information
Additional Information
- Grade 7 - Grade 8
Official Enrollment Count: 688
Out of school programs
The Out of School Network consists of state and federally-funded, high-quality programs that link learning from the regular school day to the out of school time space, thereby increasing student outcomes such as behavior, attendance and coursemarks. The programs occur outside of the regular school day for students in grades K-12: evenings, weekends, holidays and intersessions, including summer. Schools may offer one or more of the following: the Nita M. Lowey 21st Century Community Learning Centers (21CCLC), Afterschool Plus (A+) Program, Resources for Enrichment, Athletics, Culture and Health (REACH) and Uniting Peer Learning, Integrating New Knowledge (UPLINK). To see other programs that the school is providing, please visit their website. A link is available at the top of the page.
- Uplink
Community Children's Council
The Community Children’s Councils (CCCs) serve children and families including those with disabilities and mental health needs through collaborative partnerships. Seventeen local community based CCCs meet monthly in a welcoming and friendly environment to support students and families.
- Community Children's Councils Central District South