The funding of Hawaii public schools primarily involves a combination of state and federal revenues.
Per-pupil expenditures
Per-pupil expenditures
What does this mean?
The per-pupil expenditures amount represents the average amount expended per student for this School during the fiscal year.
How was this calculated?
The per-pupil expenditures amount is calculated by dividing total expenditures by the number of SPED PRE-K and K-12 students receiving a free public education per the official enrollment count for this School.
Total expenditures
What does this mean?
The total expenditures amount represents the amounts spent by or on behalf of this School during the fiscal year.
How was this calculated?
The total expenditures amount is calculated by adding School Level Expenditures, which are amounts spent by the School Principal, plus other "attributed" costs spent on behalf of the School.
Other "attributed" costs, include the following, which are attributed to the School on a proportional basis of enrollment: (1) Complex and State Level Expenditures: Amounts paid for at the Complex and State offices to support schools (e.g. curriculum development, information technology, fiscal services, talent management, utilities, facilities repair & maintenance, etc.), and (2) State of Hawaii Fringe: Employer "fringe" benefit costs paid centrally by the State of Hawaii for all State departments.
Note: For Public Charter Schools, the School Level Expenditures used was reported by the Public Charter School and the other "attributed" costs used was reported by the Hawaii State Public Charter School Commission ("Commission"). The costs reported by the Commission were attributed to each Public Charter School on a proportional basis of enrollment. State of Hawaii fringe was assumed to be included in the School Level Expenditures reported by the Public Charter Schools.
Per-pupil expenditures compared to other area schools